Readme.txt This file. Release-Notes.txt Description of major changes fo this release DevelopersManualTongARM_V17_Feb_2011.pdf Full manual for using Linux especially on the Tonga2 platform src/ sourcecode archives of Linux kernel and U-Boot bootloader openocd-cfg/ Open-OCD config files for the supported boards Binary release diretories for the supported boards: tonga2/ u-boot/ U-Boot binaries kernel/ kernel binary rootfs/ some ready-to-run root-filesystem images topas910/ u-boot-nor/ U-Boot binaries for NOR flash u-boot-nand/ U-Boot binaries for NAND flash kernel/ kernel binary rootfs/ some ready-to-run root-filesystem images topasa900/ u-boot-nor/ U-Boot binaries for NOR flash u-boot-nand/ U-Boot binaries for NAND flash kernel/ kernel binary rootfs/ some ready-to-run root-filesystem images